New Bridge School

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Ofsted Blog!

Time to celebrate...

Our news is finally out. Following our OFSTED visit – way back in February, we have received final confirmation that we have retained our OUTSTANDING status. 

And we are simply over the moon.


Because OFSTED witnessed what we see every day – our amazing students, doing amazing things.

What makes this so incredible is actually our students told Ofsted what they thought of the school – that they felt safe, they knew who to go to – who is their trusted adult and that how they all have friends and enjoy their lessons.

Both key stage 3 and 4 students with some representation from Student Council spoke on the second day and I although I wasn’t able to go into the session with them, I felt their energy and enthusiasm as they bounced out of F4 – with Eliza telling me “Miss, that man says we are amazing."

And they absolutely are.

A massive shout out needs to go to our staff teams who spent 2 days ensuring OFSTED saw the best of what goes on at Roman Road.

People forget that the other side of the OFSTED process is to celebrate its successes and our staff were able to show outstanding teaching and learning (through lesson walks throughout the 2 days) plus – through the Personal Development session – we were able to show the inspectors what we do – to ensure our students develop and grow.

In this part of the day – staff talked about the impact of Student Council, our trips and residentials (Disney and Chicago ), as well as opportunities in sport and the arts. All things we take for granted.

My pastoral team also need a shout out – as they were able to show how we support our students and families, make sure they are safe and feel safe, plus attend every day.

Our attendance data is something that we are really proud of – last week we hit an ‘all time high' of 91.4% - which is higher than the national average for SEN schools.

The quality of an outstanding school – is also that we know what needs doing. And there’s always work to be done to make sure our students get over and above what they need.

So that’s us. Outstanding.

I’m including in this blog the link that the Oldham Times published earlier in the week: 

I hope you will all join me in acknowledging that this is all well deserved. 

Last week we also invited in some of our secondary trainee teachers into school and this was the feedback:

My secondary trainees had a fabulous day with you at New Bridge.

They were so complimentary about how you worked with your students to provide the best possible learning experiences. They also loved the community feel that NB had.

Thank you for supporting their ITAP observation training week you have given them so much evidence for adaptive teaching and learning.

Kind Regards

Jean (Secondary Lead Mentor)


Finally, today we celebrate Red Nose Day and the school is a sea of brightly coloured tops.

Our social media is awash with smiley faces and there’s been lots of fun activities taking place alongside learning.

I’m going to let the pictures do the talking.

That’s it for me.

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend as we welcome the start of spring.


Take care.


Mrs T