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New Bridge Pathways Blog - 28.6.24


Floor 1 are Number 1! 

Recently, Floor 1 has come together to engage in different activities. We have really enjoyed working with other students on the floor to complete different tasks. We have had trips to the library where we accessed the sensory room. 

We have made jam tarts, flapjacks and pakoras. We have also helped to make and try some Biryani as well. 

We have also been working on our team building skills by playing sports and working together to solve puzzle. Some of us have also been very creative in our art activities.  

Floor 1 are Number 1


Park Visits

Over the course of the week, several students have been out on offsite activities. We accessed Alexandra Park where a group of students played football and cricket reinforcing our previous learning from PE. Other students took a stroll in the park, and accessed the play area where it was lovely to see positive social interaction. 

Alex Park

On Thursday, 28 students headed to Heaton Park where Mr. Hollinworth showed us how to search for animals, particularly squirrels in their natural habit and feed them monkey nuts.   

Heaton Park


Students were all model students when offsite and a credit to the school. Well done! 


Paris at The Atrium

This week, Paris carried out some work experience at The Atrium Eatery and Café.

Paris supported Kerry taking the orders…



She prepared top quality sandwiches…


...and she served Miss McMurray and Mr Hollinworth a spot of lunch…



Well done Paris… great job! 😃



Year 11 Transitions 

Recently, a number of our Year 11 pupils joined students at New Bridge College to enjoy a day of transition activities… 

Year 11 Transitions