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New Bridge Pathways Blog - 27.9.24

Activ8 Blog  

Firstly, I would like to congratulate all students for their bravery since returning back from the summer holidays. It’s sometimes difficult getting back into the swing of things  after six weeks away and the level of maturity has been exceptional.  

This term Activ8 are focusing on multi sports which is allowing them to experience learning new skills whilst building strong relationships with one and other. We are also focusing on enhancing each students fitness levels by participating in circuits, interval and continuous training.  

Myself and Mr Holban are seriously impressed with the level of resilience and determination to succeed.  

Well done, Activ8  

Mr Darnbrough & Mr Holban 

Activ8 (27.9.24)


Digi 1

Another fantastic week from Digi 1.  

In food tech we practiced our knife skills and made a delicious leek and potato soup. 

During living skills, we looked at different germs, illnesses and diseases, where we worked together and collaborated on ideas.   

As part of our Learning for Life lesson we worked on communication and participating in group games. It has been amazing to see Digi 1 become wonderful friends with one another after such a short period of time.

Digi 1 (27.9.24)



This week the students have started work on their BTEC accreditation. Our first unit is to perform in front of an audience. As a group we have decided to put on an Adam’s family production.

This week we cast all the roles and all the students are happy with their characters. We have focused on developing the characters by researching and watching clips of the movie.

The focus this week was body language skills, developing the skill, identifying areas for development and reviewing feedback. 

Lumenus (27.9.24)