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New Bridge Pathways Blog - 11.10.24


Art Options

During options this half term, the students in art have been looking at Pointilism.

They have researched George Seraut who invented this art technique and now understand how when two colours interlink they can deceive the eye into thinking it is a new colour.

This week, the students used circular stickers to create a pointillist style image. This not only helped to develop our fine motor skills but our concentration and focus to complete the piece of work. 

Here are a few pictures to show what we have been doing in art...

Art - 11.10.24



I just wanted to share with you all the amazing news that our students have created some truly fantastic poems for the 'The Beautiful Truth' Young Writers poetry competition.

The creativity and talent displayed by our students have been truly inspiring. It's incredible to see how our students have poured their emotions and thoughts into their poems, creating beautiful and thought-provoking pieces of art. I am so proud of each and every one of them for their hard work.  

The closing date for the competition is the 25th October. Hopefully some of our students will be lucky enough to get their work published! 


Art is like life 


By Diane and Demi 


Art is like life 

The more you paint, the more you will see 

the painting you are creating 

Is who you are destined to be. 


Like a canvas 

we start off plain but the more colours you mix and match 

the colour will seep through letting your true self shine through. 


When you are in deep sorrow 

you can’t help but feel lost and lonely. 

When you start to cover your colours 

you make yourself insecure. 


When you scrape the black paint away 

you will see your colours are still there. 


The Beautiful Truth Poetry 


By Diane  



It’s only been a month 

It’s only been a month yet I still miss you. 

I miss your meows of love when I get home. 

I miss that look you give me when you try to dry my tears. 

I miss you. 

I miss your big eyes. 

I miss your peach paws. 

It’s only been a month yet it feels like years. 

People tell me to let go 

But I never let go, I cling to everything I can hold of you. 

I wish I could give you one last kiss. 

One last hug. 

Just one last pet is all I ask. 

It’s only been a month yet I still love you. 

You always have a place in my heart. 

I love you. 

I love you scaredy cat. 



A dark dark hole 


By Diane 


I fall deeper and deeper in this hole of pain   

I feel lost like a dog wandering in a busy road.   

I call for help but the only thing that comes to mind is a squeak.   

When people ask if I’m okay I say “yeah”  

But I’m not.   

I want to tell people how I feel but when I do no-one will listen.   

It’s always the darkest times I feel safe.   

The night is so calm.   

That’s the time I can rest  

For the chaotic day that waits for me.   





By Amaan 


Fluffy and friendly 

Kind, comforting and loyal 

Evil murderous cunning 


The Truth of Man


By Zak 


A man is a creation, 

But his uniqueness can’t be told 

Because he's told to MAN UP! 

Until he is made. 


A man is meant to be uncomfortable, 

That's the only way to grow, 

We fight until we die for food and essentials, responsibility. 

Providing is our job, 

And always will be, 

It can’t be disclosed, the pain 

That we go through. 


School teaches us MENTAL HEALTH, 

Little do they know reality is different as a man. 

Self-improvement happens when you realise the lies that we have been told. 

When we were kids, we were told that respect was for everyone, 

But, again, lies from the education system, 

Respect is given when we are valued. 


What is value? Providing! Simple, that’s our job, 

And the only way to get respect as a man. 

Other than that, your respect is hidden until you come out of your comfort zone. 


MEN! MEN! MEN! Hit your chest and wake up to the real world, 

No one cares about 

No woman 

No kids 

Not your coach 

Until we reach the top. 

But when we do, that's when everyone cares and asks how to escape the matrix. 



Trust and secrets

By Lucas Evans


Should you be keeping your secrets away from trust? Everyone’s secrets and truths are different. But should the secrets be locked away? Maybe... 


Maybe that’s what’s best for you or maybe you want to trust people with your secrets…. So, you could always run a test... A test that involves trust games. 


But not everyone can be trusted so you should always look for that one person that you really trust and connect with. Someone you can trust your secrets with. 


But remember, not everyone is really a truth or trustworthy. 




By Kenzie 


Why do PEOPLE want to get scared? 

Why do HUMANS seek thrilling things? 

These are the questions we ask ourselves, but no one knows the answer to said questions 

MAYBE evolution 

OR a DARK PAST, but that is a MYSTERY 

All we do know is that horror will never cease 

Many people wander 

How did it all begin 

Maybe Edgar Alan Poe 

Maybe Stephen King 

Or maybe a royal 

However, we all at least know horror or think we do 

But how do we know about this subject 

Will we know it all, or maybe? 

We are in horror, REALITY such a wall that we built an imaginary land behind that wall, but here’s a question 

What’s behind that wall 

Our land or a void 

That question has no affirmative answer, but neither does the answer for the first person to make horror. 

If it is a person 

All we know is ourselves 

“How big is space?” 

“Is heaven real?” 

“Where did the big bang happen?” 

“What was the first object born?” 

“How long can we really survive underwater?” 

These are many questions, but no one has an affirmative answer for these questions. 

But the real 


Hello Yellow 


On Thursday 10th October New Bridge Pathways took part in #HelloYellow day, which is World Mental Health Day.   

Students were allowed to wear yellow or another bright colour of the rainbow to stand brighter together to show that young people are not alone.  We then participated in a number of mindful activities throughout the day. 

Donations were collected for the Young Minds charity – we will update you with our total once we have counted it.  

Young Minds website is: whether you want to understand how you’re feeling, find ways to feel better, or support someone who's struggling. 


Hello Yellow


Hello Yellow (ICT)


In ICT this week the students created Digital Art as part of our “Hello Yellow.” The task was to create a collage of images showing things the students like and enjoy and help them to achieve a positive mindset. We then used the pictures and inserted it into the words “Hello Yellow!” 


Hello Yellow (ICT)




This week in ICT students have been working hard planning and creating their presentation on their chosen topic. 



Students are working towards completing their WJEC Presentation Software unit.  Well done Pathways for using your great research and digital skills.  We can’t wait to see the final presentation when they are complete.