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New Bridge Learning Centre Blog - 19.7.24

Final Blog

Today, like the last couple of weeks, has been a rollercoaster of emotions, especially for those students and staff who are moving on.

Last Friday we held our Leavers Prom at Oldham Athletic and it was fabulous to see our students and families enjoying the event! They outdanced me!!

Mr Barker & I made an effort to get dressed up however we weren’t a patch on our students.


There’s also been lots going on this week...

Tuesday saw our music/ dance & drama morning where students shared what they had been working on over recent months and had a huge sign-a-long with the team from Live music now.

Wednesday saw the Learning Centre teddy bears picnic and we shared the photo’s earlier in the week. Luckily the weather was kind and we had enough picnic blankets.

On Thursday we had our very own 80’s disco at the front of the building. Staff and students got dressed up in their 80’s gear and danced away a couple of hours!

Today saw the culmination of events with this morning’s leavers assembly. I was delighted to be able to present a range of Bronze & Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards. I never cease to be amazed by how resilient our student can be and just how much they can achieve when given the opportunity and support.

During the assembly we also had a few staff goodbyes.

Firstly Houshang who has been with us for 3 years and who is truly the most polite and generous man you could meet. Thanks for all your hard work supporting our students and ensuring they can fully access learning.

Next we said goodbye to Luke who has also been with us for 3 years and is moving to Prague to teach. Thanks, from all the students especially Leo & Hamza for your patience, constant calm manner and support and for the support you have given to the whole Entitlement team. (They even wrote him a poem which is too cheeky to share!)


And now to Jackie, who started working within the world of special education back in 2002 at Marland Fold School and in 2005 started at New Bridge school when 3 special schools amalgamated. Jackie was originally responsible for speech. Language and communication for about 2 years and then spent 10 years supporting within the science department. Jackie moved up to the learning Centre 7 years ago where she has been till this day supporting in Mrs Brierly’s class. I’d like to say a huge thank you on behalf of all the young people you have supported, nurtured and making a real difference to the lives of so many!


And finally, to Gavin, the Learning Centre’s very own Bear Gryll’s. Gavin has worked within a SEN setting for over 2 decades. For the majority of that time, he has led our Outdoor Education & Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, also running the Calvert Residential for many years. Its no surprise that at our recent Leavers Record of achievement celebration, almost every student mentioned Calvert within their speech.

I’ve been constantly amazed at how Gavin has enabled every student who wished, the opportunity to take part in outdoor activities/ trips/ residentials, activities that most people wouldn’t dare. Gav ensures that all students can take part, achieve & thrive, whilst being kept safe and most importantly having fun!


I’d like to wish them all the very best of luck and warmest wishes for their next adventures!

During the assembly we also said a final goodbye to our leavers. I don’t mind admitting I shed a tear as I often do on these occasions. My heart is bursting with pride at how far our students have journeyed, matured, grown in confidence and developed into amazing young people who its been a real privilege to support.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thanks the amazing staff team the Learning Centre, for their dedication and support, ensuring students are able to thrive and reach their desired destination.


Thank you also to our families whose support is essential and much appreciated.


Have a great summer all and we look forward to seeing our year 12 & 13 students back in September and to welcoming many new students who will be joining our Learning Centre Family.

