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New Bridge College Blog - 20.9.24


Hello everyone! Welcome to the first blog of the academic year for the Health and Social Care department.

We hope you all enjoyed a refreshing summer break and are as excited as we are to embark on this new academic journey. This year, our students have dove headfirst into their studies with enthusiasm and dedication, having enrolled in the BTEC Level 1 Health and Social Care course.

As part of their initial unit, HSC5 – Finding out about Health and Social Care Services, students embarked on a research project aimed at exploring a variety of health and social services. This hands-on task took them to the library, where they put in tremendous effort sifting through various books to gather the necessary information.

Their hard work has certainly set a positive tone for the year ahead! 


HSC EMP - 20.9.24

On a lighter note, our Health and Social Care students have sparked quite the friendly competition with a playful twist on the whiteboard in the gym. It all started with a lighthearted comment stating, “HSC are better in the gym than Activ8,” but what unfolded next was a hilarious and spirited exchange between pathways—Digi, Pre-Intern, and Lumenus—all vying for the title of the best group. What began as a simple joke quickly turned into a captivating display of camaraderie, laughter, and lighthearted rivalry. The board has transformed into the latest buzz of the college, and it’s a testament to the fun and engagement our students bring to their learning environment. We can't wait to see what other creative mischief our HSC group will think up next! 



As we head into the weekend, we encourage you to keep an eye out for our upcoming blogs, where we will share more about our students’ experiences and achievements. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead filled with learning, laughter, and growth in Health and Social Care! 



Health and Social Care – Employability 

Our HSC students engaged well in their first ‘Employability’ lesson this week. They all worked extremely hard, to start with by finding out some words, that they will come across throughout their lessons.  

The students were searching and looking up words like:  

  •       Time Management  
  •       Development  
  •       Body Language  
  •       Assertive behaviours  

Well, done to the students, I am very proud of you all.

Miss Glynn 


Girls Group

This week, it has been a busy week for the Girls. First, they made flapjacks using their maths skills by doubling up the ingredients.

Next, while the flapjacks were cooking, the girls discussed the worries that they had last week and compared them to this week to see if they had improved.

For the last part of the session the girls started to plan and design posters for Macmillan coffee morning and next Friday, the girls will be walking around the college with the trolley selling delicious cakes and biscuits to raise money for Macmillan.

And I know the girls are excited to show off their hosting skills.

Please support them and Macmillan anyway you can. 

Girls Group (20.9.24)



A Day in The Life of Ollie

"Hi, my name is Ollie, and I am on the Future Finders pathway. This year I want to gain full time employment as this is my final year at the college.  

When I arrive to college, I wait patiently for my job coach until 9:30am so we can be at placement just before 10am. I am currently at the Range but I hope in the next week or so, I can start at OCL as I would prefer this. When we arrive to placement the first thing we do is we need to sign in, this is really important as this is for safety reasons. I put my belongings into the staff room.    

We always need to make sure the shop floor is clean for the customers as this is a big priority. When I break down pallets, I always like to take my time as I don’t want to misplace items and get things wrong, I know if I’m struggling, I can always ask the staff around me. They are so helpful and kind towards me. 

My job coach always said to me don’t be afraid to get things wrong, we learn from our mistakes – this has always stuck with me. When I work on a pallet, I make sure I always leave a big cardboard box towards one side as I can put little boxes inside there. With the boxes, I need to make them nice and flat so we can dispose of them in the warehouse. 

When we get rid of the boxes, we need to bring out another pallet full of products. We have to use a pallet truck and bring it onto the shop floor. When I bring the pallet out, we need to make sure we’re looking out for customers so we don’t injure or hurt them. 

I like working at the range because it makes me use different skills. For example, communication skills or people skills, I think I need to work on them still but I’m trying my best. My working day ends at around 2’oclock but I need to make sure any rubbish left on the side, I need to take them into the warehouse and let the other staff know we’ve done it. Once we’ve done this, I get all my belongings and sign out with the correct timing."

A Day in the Life of Ollie