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Mrs T's Blog - 13.12.24 


It’s been a busy, busy week here at Roman Road. Everyone seems to be OK that we are easing into Christmas. 

The tree is up in reception and some of our classrooms are beginning to sparkle. The real ‘glow' comes from the students, who despite all this change, continue to make every day brilliant.  

Today I met with Student Council to say ‘thank you' for an amazing term and for their contribution, not only in school but last week at an Oldham Schools’- Oldham Young People's Voices SEND and Inclusion Conference 

 At the event – our council were able to express their views on lots of topics – such as transport, being out in the community and school. I’m so proud of these students (well I’m actually proud of all of our students) for having the confidence to speak out, feel listened to and be heard. I’m really looking forward to the new year and what they will bring to the table. 

Next week is an incredibly busy week as we move towards the Christmas break and I’m sharing with families in this blog a quick reminder as to what we are doing on which day. 

Finally, from me, we completed the Saddleworth Santa Dash last week in the middle of Storm Darragh.

I have to say, in all the time I’ve been doing this – it was particularly hard, mainly due to the wind and the rain.

Mrs T's Blog - 13.12.24


Joining me where my friends and family, our chair of governors Andrea Greenwood – representing POINT, as well as the amazing Kevin Sinfield who completed his latest run and charity campaign ‘Run home for Christmas' for his mate Rob Burrow who sadly passed away from MND. Kevin is such an amazing man.   

That’s it. Let’s have an amazing last week at school. 

Stay safe.  



Mrs T  




Fri 06/12 - Students from HWA will be in the Theatre AM and PM for rehearsal (lessons normally in the theatre will be in F3)


Wed 11/12 - Students from HWA will be in the Theatre 11-12.15pm for rehearsal (lessons normally in the theatre will be in F3)


Wed 11/12 - 9.30am IB Coffee Morning


Thu 12/12 - Students from HWA will be in the Theatre all day for the rehearsal in the morning, HWA Parents will be on site in the Theatre from 1.30pm (lessons/lunch normally in the theatre will be in F3)


Sat 14/12 - Staff Party 


Wed 18/12 - Christmas Jumper Day - uniform and jumper over the top / Christmas Lunch Day / AM Santa Dash and lunch/party prep


Thu 19/12 - Christmas Carousel all day / AM Visit from Father Christmas


Fri 20/12 - Own Clothes Day / AM Class Parties / Buffet Lunch / PM Stars in Your Eyes


Please note that Wed 18th to Fri 20th we will be class based.