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Learning Centre Blog (11.10.24)

The students in CLAKE have settled in really well over the last few weeks.

We have some brand new students and staff in our group. I’m pleased to say that our older students have made them feel welcome and helped them to get to know their way around the Learning Centre.

The group are also experiencing some new subjects this year which they have embraced with enthusiasm.

On Thursdays, the group have the benefit of being taught by a professional expressive arts teacher, Rebecca. In this lesson, the group have been using a variety of props to express themselves to music, colourful scarves, ribbons and hula hoops. The students have also been singing and playing percussion instruments.

I can only describe this lesson as joyful! The positive energy in the hall on a Thursday afternoon is amazing!

Mrs Sheehy is teaching the group creative arts. This term they are looking at the artists Sonia Delauney and Auguste Herbin. Students have created pieces of art based  on the work of the artists. The group have been listening to music from the 1940’s, looking at fashions from the first half of the twentieth century and making a timeline of how people dressed back then.

I’m so pleased with how well my group are doing. Well done, CLAKE.


Alison Keane


CLAKE - 11.10.24