New Bridge School

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College Blog - 4.10.24


This academic year Lumenus students will be using their space on floor 2 in the College and Oldham Theatre Workshop (OTW) studio in the library for practical and theoretical sessions.

We will go to OTW on Tuesday mornings, Wednesdays and Thursdays most weeks.

All students will work towards a BTEC Introductory Level 1 or Level 2 in Performing Arts and Production Skills. 

Over the first few weeks of this term, we have been exploring: - 

Face Body Space – The use of facial and body expression in the performance space, using still images and transitions to create a story. 

Devising from a stimulus – Creating a short piece around, Eyam and The Great Plague, using still images, transitions, stylised movements, narration and dialogue. 

Stage fighting – Learning about sword positions and safe use of stage swords and some basic choreography with swords. 

Music – Rhythm, pulse and Garage-band  

This week we have explored the body in dramatic contexts in greater depth. Body language conveying emotion and in relation to others on stage. Students engaged in practical activities around the 7 stated of tension, servants and masters and miming. They researched Marcel Marceau and created some Classic Mime sketches. 

On Tuesday morning the students took part in their weekly movement therapy session with Katy Dymoke from Touchdown Dance. 

In Music, this week students have learnt about basic harmony and students had the opportunity to play a C chord on the keyboard. They identified the 4 chords that many pop songs are written around. 

Next week we will begin our work devising a short piece of theatre, this will be performed at the end of November in the OTW space in the Oldham Library.







Enrichment - Dance

In our dance and drama enrichment, students have been practicing dances from TikTok and Just Dance. They have encouraged staff to join in and here is a short video to prove it.  



In today's educational landscape, the importance of physical activity and inclusivity in sports cannot be overstated. At Activ8, we believe that fostering a diverse range of sporting opportunities can significantly help students, both physically and socially.  

All students in the Activ8 pathway have settled well in college engaging in most/all the opportunities we have had on offer. 

Over this term we have been focusing on baselining students to help us understand where they are at, in terms of levels, confidence and there understanding of a variety of different sports/activities. Students have all been introduced to all the qualifications that we will be completing over the year, BTEC, Y.M.C.A and Sports Leaders. 

We have introduced students to inclusive sports, Boccia, Goalball, Table Cricket etc. to enable our students to deliver these as part of the Sports Leaders Qualification. 

Paige, a qualified personal trainer, has been putting the students through there paces on a Thursday morning, showing how a PT works delivering sessions etc. as part of the Y.M.C.A course. 

It has been a great start to the year, well done team Activ8, keep up the great work!