This half term in COMWBY we have extremely busy, here’s a little look of what we’ve been up to.
In our English sessions, we have been using playdoh to warm our hands up to support our writing and then we have engaged in brain gym sessions which we have loved.
In P.E we have been looking at the sport Volleyball and have been practicing our ‘bump pass’ and our catching skills.
In Art we have explored the creative arts from the 1900’s to the 1940’s and have created some beautiful design boards.
We have loved our Outdoor Education sessions where we have been visiting a different park each week. Last week, we visited Werneth park, and we all had a go on the exercise equipment.
In our RSHE sessions we have learnt about friendships. We have discussed what makes a good friend and what a bad friend is. We have also learnt about all different types of bullying and who we need to go to if we need some help.