New Bridge School

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Welcome to New Bridge Learning Centre

New Bridge Learning Centre is for students aged 16-19 and is part of New Bridge School.

We hope you enjoy looking through this section to read our latest news, find out about the work we do and learn more about our setting.

At the heart of our mission, Learning together, learning for all, learning for life, is the belief that all our pupils, whatever their background or ability, will be successful and valued.

A few words from the Head

I would like to take this opportunity to say a very warm welcome to everyone who will be joining us here at New Bridge Learning Centre.

We endeavour to promote a warm and friendly college environment within which students feel safe, secure and valued, and are able to thrive.

Our drive is to enable all our students to become as independent, confident and resilient as possible, and to reach their desired destinations.

We believe it is essential that we tailor our curriculum offer to meet the needs of individual students, developing their life, personal and interpersonal skills, preparing them for their different future destinations.

Wellbeing, Outdoor Education/ Duke of Edinburgh, horticulture, food technology, art, music, life cooking sits alongside academic subjects to provide a broad and balanced curriculum offer, enjoyable and accessible for all.

Our dedicated teams are here to support students and families wherever required, please feel free to contact me directly, or any of our team, should you have any questions or queries.

We look forward to working alongside all of our amazing students and their families and being part of an exciting journey.

Dawn Alison, Head of New Bridge Learning Centre

Leaders of this the Learning Centre foster a ‘can do’ attitude in pupils and staff. Pupils are 
confident that they will succeed in life. Teachers are ambitious for pupils. The success stories of past pupils show that special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) need not be a barrier to pupils achieving their goals in life.


Students in the sixth form benefit from an exceptionally well-planned Curriculum.


The Curriculum strongly promotes the development of life skills for all students.
