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Learning for Life KS4


Curriculum Vision

Every pupil at New Bridge Pathways has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which outlines individualised outcomes linked to aspirational destinations.  In Learning for Life lessons teachers set small steps targets to ensure pupils are making continual progress towards the achievement of their Annual Review targets linked to longer-term outcomes detailed in their EHCP.  At Key Stage 4 these are more closely linked to pupils’ aspirational destinations within their specific Pathway. 


The New Bridge Learning for Life Curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils within the Pathways achieve their unique educational outcomes in relation to the four areas of SEND in their EHCP:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and/or Physical

Lessons in Learning for Life at New Bridge School

Pupils have one lesson of Learning for Life per week which is taught by their form tutor.  The Learning for Life Curriculum covers the following areas of the EHCP outcomes:


Cognition and Learning

Individual targets relating to the EHCP Outcomes are largely addressed within the wider curriculum, namely the Core and Enrichment subjects.  However, within Learning for Life lessons, opportunities may be created for individualised interventions that support progress in specific curriculum areas e.g. Maths, English etc.


Communication and Interaction

The Learning for Life Curriculum aims to provide opportunities to develop communication skills in the following areas:

  • Expressive and receptive Language
  • Understanding and processing language
  • Using spoken language or non-verbal communication
  • Pragmatic, social communication
  • Speech sound and articulation skills

Pupils are supported to develop their functional language skills to the highest level possible for them in order to support their independence and the achievement of their aspirations.  For many pupils, this will involve following a personalised Speech and Language Therapy programme overseen by a Speech and Language Therapist. 


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

The Learning for Life Curriculum aims to address particular challenges pupils may experience with regard to social, emotional and mental health:

  • Anxiety, low mood, avoiding risks, difficulty making choice, low self-worth, feeling isolated, refusing to accept praise, reduction in engagement and poor peer relationships.
  • Challenging, disruptive or distressing behaviour, withdrawn or isolated, anxiety, depression, self-harming, substance misuse and eating disorders.
  • Attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder, mood swings and impulsivity.

Our approach to teaching pupils about their social, emotional and mental health is to teach pupils practical strategies to manage these difficulties as independently as possible.  Learning for Life sessions provide a safe teaching space where pupils can be taught and practice new skills before embedding their use in the wider context of the school setting.


Sensory and Physical Difficulties

The EHCP will identify any sensory needs, such as hearing loss, visual impairments, sensory processing difficulties and physical difficulties a pupil may need support with.  Within the main body, any physical or sensory difficulties will be mild rather than profound.  For example, a pupil may wear hearing aids and require some signing to support communication but it is rare that they would be completely deaf.


The aim of the Learning for Life lessons for this strand is enabling the reduction or removal of any barriers which sensory and physical difficulties present to learning and the achievement of Destinations.  Pupils will be taught how to use specialist equipment which supports their needs, they will be introduced to a sensory diet to support regulation and readiness to learn.  The Learning for Life sessions are designed to empower pupils to understand how curriculum materials need to be modified for them and what equipment they need so that they feel confident to request this in any environment within school. They offer opportunities to develop both gross and fine motor skills which support improved engagement across a range of other subject areas. Technology is integral to the implementation of Learning for Life and is used in a variety of ways

Pupil Voice

My teacher helps me to learn important things like tying my show laces.