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Interactive Provision - KS3/ KS4/ KS5

                      So often you find that the pupils you're trying to inspire are the one that end up inspiring you.                 

Curriculum Vision

 The Interactive Provision provides an appropriate learning environment for students whose main barrier to learning is Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD), Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (CLDD), Autism and Sensory processing disorder.


The intent of the Interactive Provision is to provide an engaging, fun, stimulating and sensory curriculum that is flexible to the needs of each and which both reflects their EHCP outcomes and supports their wellbeing.


The students in the Interactive Provision are divided into two pathways, Pathway 1 and Pathway 2.

Pathway 1 - pupils are provided with a more enhanced sensory curriculum.

Pathway 2 - pupils are provided with a more enhanced communication curriculum.

The curriculum is built around meeting the holistic needs of each individual pupil based on their EHCP outcomes in the four areas of SEND; Cognition and Learning, Communication, Sensory and Physical and SEMH. Pupils are stretched and challenged to enable them to achieve their aspirational destination.


Communication is placed at the core of our curriculum in allowing students to express themselves in their life beyond Newbridge and to have an active part in contributing to their future. Integral to this aim is the development of independence, resilience and life skills.


The Interactive provision recognises each student has their own preferred way of learning. Staff recognise that not all pupils will follow a typical development trajectory therefore the curriculum provides a framework which is fit for purpose for each individual pupil.


Interactive provision at New Bridge School 

An Interactive provision class offers a provision for pupils which provides routine, consistent specialist staffing and encourages independence and communication. The pupils benefit from a structured, total communication environment with consistent staffing and routines. Throughout each day staff facilitate opportunities for standing, walking and seating changes following their individual mobility plans. Sensory movement breaks are offered to promote physical well-being and to aid sensory regulation. This helps to keep pupils engaged, motivated, regulated and ready to learn.  


The Interactive Provision provides an environment which promotes pupils’ communication skills using a total communication approach which includes;

  • Communication books/ PEC's
  • Signalong
  • Symbols & pictures
  • Concrete objects
  • Intensive Interaction
  • Sensory processing activities
  • Attention Autism

These techniques help pupils to manage everyday activities and successfully interact and develop pupils learning socially, emotionally, and academically on a daily basis.
