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Dance & Drama KS3

Before a child speaks, they sing. Before they write, they paint. As soon as they stand, they dance. Art of the basis of human experience.

Curriculum Vision

 Dance and Drama enable pupils to develop their understanding of the world. The curriculum for Dance and Drama is designed so that pupils have opportunities to engage in a range of creative and imaginative role play situations, on their own and with others. 

Through dramatic activities and movement, pupils explore a range of cultural and human issues, share ideas and learn to respond to others and to the teacher in role.  They explore elements, techniques and practitioners of drama and dance, and develop expressive skills to help them make meaning.  

The curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • raise self-esteem and self-confidence through the development of soft and transferable skills 
  • develop communication skills  
  • understand that dance and drama can help our well-being 
  • develop an understanding of the world 
  • express themselves through a creative medium 

Dance and Drama lessons at New Bridge School

Pupils are taught Dance and Drama in one lesson per week in the theatre by a specialist teacher.  Pupils enjoy a stimulating, interactive and challenging curriculum.  Each term students will learn a particular technique or style which will be developed and they will create a piece to perform or present which they will peer and self -assess.  


The Curriculum is delivered through schemes of work which are topic based and follow a staged process: creating/choreography, performing and responding.  The theme informs the content of the lesson within the following overarching structure and aims: 



In Dance, pupils focus on developing movement memory and work towards develop good dance technique.   The curriculum provides opportunity for them to develop their self-confidence when working with other students by allowing them to contribute their ideas and listen to others. Pupils are taught set motifs to develop, and will have the opportunity to be creative and choreograph their own dances. They will perform to others and will receive regular feedback about how to become a better performer. Pupils will develop an understanding of the different styles of dance and will look at different choreographers. 



In Drama, lessons are both theoretical and practical and are centred on developing a range of Drama knowledge, skills and techniques which are also transferable across all other subjects.  Pupils work collaboratively and individually to generate, develop and communicate ideas.  They develop vocal and physical interpretations of a range of characters and contribute as an individual to a theatrical performance.  Pupils will analyse and evaluate the process of creating live theatre.   Within Dance and Drama lessons all pupils will have the opportunity to watch live and recorded performances and take part in workshops delivered by professional artists. 


The collective outcome of the Dance and Drama lessons across all year groups is celebrated at Christmas with a Showcase event.  The theme of the Spring Term links with, and contributes to, the development of a whole MAT production where each year group creates and develops a performance piece for the show.


Pupil Voice


I love it when I get to sing in front of my friends.