New Bridge School

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Curriculum Overview 


New Bridge School is a 11-19 specialist provision based across 4 sites for pupils and students with special educational needs. The pupils and students at New Bridge School receive a curriculum underpinned by the vision and values of the New Bridge Trust.

Our vision is to "Create Meaningful Futures" within an inclusive learning environment where all pupils and young people are valued, supported, and challenged to achieve their full potential. Our curriculum offer is designed to align with our values, which are:


  • We are caring
  • We are creative
  • We are inspiring
  • We are passionate
  • We are innovative
  • We trust each other


All our pupils and students follow a destination based curriculum which is influenced by the individual SEND needs, EHCP Outcomes, the National Curriculum and evidence-based practice and knowledge to ensure a broad and balanced offer that suits the needs of each individual pupil or student. At New Bridge School we are proud of the levels of engagement in the classroom which is supported by teacher’s knowledge of how to plan for each pupil's and student's individual needs, interests and learning styles.


Curriculum Organisation 

To ensure that each pupil or student accesses a curriculum that is appropriate to his/her individual needs, Specific Classes have been created to ensure that each pupil or student receives the most appropriate and accessible offer for their skills and learning styles. These are as follows:

Interactive Provision pupils and students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, Severe and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD/ SMLD).
Autism/ Entitlement Provision pupils and students with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).
Community Living Provision pupils and students with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD).

Main Body Provision


pupils and students with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD).









You can find out more about each stage of school by clicking on the links below. 


New Bridge School (KS3 - Year 7 to Year 9)

Including (KS3/4 Autism and Interactive Provision)


 New Bridge Pathways (KS4 - Year 10 to Year 11)  


New Bridge College (Post 16) 


New Bridge Learning Centre (16 to 19) 

Including (KS5 Entitlement and Interactive Provision)





Withdrawal from R.E. Lessons

RE is provided for all pupils, and is inclusive and broad minded. Parents do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE: if you wish to do this, please make an appointment with your child's class teacher.